• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • I am a fan of your writing

    was going to only include the last three words but I've seen your bouts of grammar nazism

    They scare me
    German for "war machine". Was the name for the nazi armed forces. Thought it would be amusing since it was pointed out to me a while ago that my middle name sounds like "zoo nazi".
    i'm sorry, but i refuse to listen to any of it.
    i listened to one song and i just hate it. he tries to hard to be craig and it isn't working and i got on myspace to leave them a hateful comment about how i felt a while back.
    looking back on that video he's actually out of tune quite a bit of the time (stil love it though)
    there's a better one on youtube somewhere, one where he's sober :faints:
    i suppose the longer it takes, the better it's going to be, right?

    i hope so D:

    this is so amazing. i'm not sure if you've herd it but omfg :eek:rgasm:
    blue sky noise ended up growing on me

    longest mile's lyrics ended up being really touching after a while >:
    i actually made another, but he doesn't look as pretty on this one :(
    i know, it gets a pretty bad press, and to a certain extent i was influenced by it, but in the end i just went with what i wanted.
    oh, and about the pain, it does kind of hurt, haha. i went in there thinking "ohhh all these people saying it hurts are just pussies, i'll be fine" and then it hurt way more than i thought it would. once they get started you get used to the pain though. it's kinda like someone ripping your arm hairs out but continuously.
    (i think my description is the best EVER)
    i know, it's so hard to recreate what your head wants. my main problem was that i didn't trust the tattoo artists, but i got over it, haha.

    that actually sounds like a pretty cool design. have you ever watched L.A ink? or Miami ink, there may be some similar designs on there to give you some ideas. i want roses on the back of my upper-arm (i think)
    it took me so long to decide on a design that i liked. i already want another 2 tattoos, but i don't know what i want, although i know where i want them.
    when i first got this one everyone was telling me that i'd get addicted, but i completely disagreed. that's changed now, ahah.
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