Zephyr May 31, 2010 hmm... sorry i went somewhere a couple hours ago. uhh tell me when you're online.
Zephyr May 30, 2010 what is your friend code? mines is 2923-1608-5096. and... do you happen to have an exeggcute? if not, just trade me anything i guess.
what is your friend code? mines is 2923-1608-5096. and... do you happen to have an exeggcute? if not, just trade me anything i guess.
V V Vossler Apr 24, 2010 hey you do a pokemon trade with me real quick i just want to get something of plat to ss
Neko Apr 19, 2010 Oh its okay. It should change to red in a few minutes or so. Congrats on making it! : )