Ouch, even before the first save-point? That's unfortunate. Be warned though that unchanging armor can be tough. Even with the extra power ups and defense ups Sora gets on Beginner I had some problems fighting Maleficent Dragon and Chernabog, mainly because without accessoires beefing defense each of their fire attacks that connect hurt badly.
I know, sigh, I'm really no fan of the Gummi ship in KH 1 but for the "all blueprints"-trophy you need to finish every mission because each type 3-mission gives a blueprint on success.
Ah, yeah, that makes much sense. Even if I have my PS3 for longer, due to work and other stuff I also have still some games that are not played yet, like FF XIII-2 and Ni no Kuni.
That Re: CoM needs six playthroughs is really a bit tough on precious gamer time, but I do not think I'll wait with watching Days until I have Platinum on both KH FM and Re: CoM. I'll watch Days once I have finished my first CoM-playthrough.
So far it's pretty funny, especially the continuous banter between Sora and Donald. I still need to work out the fine kinks of the card system, but I do not find it as dreaded as some people claim it to be.
Fighting Axel was actually pretty chill, as something like scrolling for a 0-card to break his techniques is something you learn rather quick.
The only thing that annoys me so far is that I can have only 15 to 16 cards in my deck, I need to spend more Level Ups on KP-increase.