T T The Jordan May 13, 2010 I look after her, she goes to sleep on my lap. Feed her and wash her hair. Why, what do you do?
T T The Jordan May 13, 2010 My girlfriend is also my pet. I take care of her. Or am I getting something very confused?
T T The Jordan May 13, 2010 Same set up as me and my kitty then. We've been together almost 5 years. Great fun. She's in bed now. Sleepy kitty.
Same set up as me and my kitty then. We've been together almost 5 years. Great fun. She's in bed now. Sleepy kitty.
T T The Jordan May 13, 2010 I hope you won't think I'm intruding if I ask quite what you mean with the master/pet scanrio.
C C CadenLuminara137 May 13, 2010 You should, literacy does not make a good roleplayer. A good Roleplayer makes literacy.
Lasci May 13, 2010 I know, right? It's ridiculous. If I want to make a short and brief point? NO! I have to extend it. Like now. here we go.
I know, right? It's ridiculous. If I want to make a short and brief point? NO! I have to extend it. Like now. here we go.
C C CadenLuminara137 May 13, 2010 Giid Giidm I take it you are a roleplayer, if this is accurate, send me a pm to start up an rp xD