• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Sexual White Chocolate

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  • when my teacher told me to recite the alphabet I told her that the only three letters I need to know are U, S, and A!

    but yeah... nice icon
    aw how sweet. my sister just likes to steal my iPad and watch everything on the xfinity app I have. yesterday I wasn't feeling well, she came to "check up" on me. then she ended up watching the entire sixth season of dexter's laboratory
    dude, wicked! sounds like you guys are gonna have fun :) so when are you going to watch them?
    well those are always amazing. we have so many of those vhs's that my dad recorded because he and I LOVED watching them together
    oh look who happens to be on? the guy i supposedly love (according to my signature of course)
    so er corey blake this tumblr post might be of interest to you

    Plight of the Maptable, eldritch-abomination: outerspacecake: ...
    let me put this as calmly as possible. Did you put the "i love corey" thing in my sig?
    Letting you know first because Nigga Sauce has already done a post in Skyrim II and you haven't - if you want to and are able to primarily take the next step concerning your character, do so ASAP. If you can't, let the other guy know so he can do something about it quick.

    My pain is sharp and constant, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. I want no one to escape.
    ugh so fucking true.

    i know i don't have quite as much experience as you with the section or anything, but for the time i modded DM exclusively, everyone still didn't give a shit. and then they pretend that as much of a shit was given two or three years as is now, and it's just ridiculous.

    to be honest, when people ask me why i stopped modding DM, it's because people there just aren't worth the effort. even when i tried to do more exciting things, nobody gave a shit. it's so hard to motivate them to do something, so they just blame it on the people who have left, when in reality, that's a direct result of the mindset of the people themselves.
    Made this for a friend of mine, but I have a feeling you'd like this as well

    White Pear. by ~GrandoiseCanti on deviantART

    White Pear.

    -This is Citrus btw xD.
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