Hey Roxy!
I'm doing good, trying to juggle everything like usual. You? Yup, it's definitely firing up lately! I gotcha.
Q1: What is the difference between the two?
A: There isn't too huge of a difference quite yet, cause that'll be worked out as we get further along in the story, and events will happen one after another. The only changes right now is the murders/missing are happening a lot faster in Nix as the weather grows warmer. There's the matter of timelines, but I explained that in your third question. xD
Q2: And are you going to take some stuff from P4 to suit the needs of this RP?
A: I'm going to say, yes and no. Due to the Shift we get more leg room to change things up as myself, CD, and Max see fit. We'll still have personas, weapons, relationships, and all that jazz. And our personas might manifest from emotional stress but, we don't have evokers, cards, and masks.
Q3: Finally, since I wasn't involved with the earlier one, does that mean my character hasn't appeared yet in some form and yet I'm in the new version of it?
A: Right, that's correct. In Frozen, you don't exist in that timeline because, we're in a new timeline known as the Shift. Only the veterans like myself, Max, CD-Mann, and InnerPeace are aware of the new timeline. Whereas, you'll be existing on the Shift timeline as a new character.
I seen your new post in Miracles. =D I'm looking forward to making another post in it soon! How'd finishing up the AC games go? That's cool you got to celebrate your birthday early! Yup, it's another Tuesday, which means more Flash!
Nah, it's okay. We've all got stuff going on. I understand. Usually books are my escape from the real world among other things. xD