Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
My Grandma. She wanted to make up for taking me to see District 9 {R rated movie that's really good} by taking me to a G one... It was a little funny, just not LOL funny.
Thank you very much for your intake on my idea. I'm not mad that they don't like it. I am more mad towards the way they acted towards the idea. I think these people need to mature up and realize their are good ideas out there besides theirs.
You got negative rep for that? Why? Btw, I do plan on reading the story I've just been really busy lately with school and and the fact that I have a fanfic of my own. I'll try and make time for it soon.
your i got a ps3 and playstation home is awesome. gonna ask my brother for batman arkham asylum and fallout 3. too bad school's nearby so might not get to play it.
you still shouldnt mess with the people on here
this community is sensitive xD
anyways since youre new ill cut you a break but next time try to search tthe abilities you have or will have ask around