Name's Marina but online friends call me Raz (Razael). I'm an introvert who believes in true love and would rather have a bad romance than a stupid fairytale. I can be a nice person, but I can also be serious, sometimes with blunt honesty and I tend to be considerate. There are times I may come off a little wreckless and a tad clueless xD, but hey, I'm only human cuz I got my flaws too

I like people who are open-minded, not so easily offended and able to consider what may or may not be true. I am a person who watches the news a lot and tries to keep up with what goes on in the world because life isn't just about our own person, it's about those around us as well. I have no interest in fashion, only goth/doll/punk stuff and tend to dress casually. I have a great dislike of ignorance and that includes ignorant people, I stick to facts and I do like discussions about topics, but I'm not a full-out debater xP.
I am a supporter of Men's Rights and I do not like society. Stereotypes and labels mean nothing to me and I don't tolerate annoying drama. I don't like drama/emo/attention-whoars nor do I put up with shallow/superficial brats. I'm a pretty decent person once you take the time to get to know me
writing, movies, reading, video games, paranormal, singing, internet, music, anime