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  • Maybe I should aim to be more apathetic then. I'm gonna be a doctor, I gotta learn to be cool and detached.

    My little sister will probably disown me on the spot. She's a cool kid. xd

    Hm. What does death mean in dreams? Can't be anything good. What could your subconcious be saying here...
    I'M FINALLY BACK ON, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHHH YEAH. Man, this game gets you hooked.
    Well, I bet your 22nd year will be the best.

    Oh.... That pervert..... Do you lose Yuffie for a while after she steals your materia?
    Well, you're good now, right?

    Wait, I have to go to Wutai or else Yuffie will steal my materia?
    Yeah, but you're free from the mood swings! Then there's mid life crisis.....

    I've been equipping all kinds of material on everyone. xD I just removed all the cures from Aerith and equipped it on Red, support magic on Cait Sith, Bolt and Cure on Cloud with enemy skills, ice on Barret, fire on Yuffie, Fire and Ice on Tifa, and Aerith just has Heal and Bolt now since I equipped the cure on Red. I had to sacrifice Bio to equip cure so I wouldn't massively decrease his HP. Ohhhhhhh, I guess I'll reach to that soon?
    Lucky. I get awkward I every little thing. In fact, awkward is my natural state. It's really inconvenient.

    I'll let you know then! Of course, it'll have to wait until she comes on Saturday.

    Oh wow. That sounds about as coherent as most of my dreams, if not moreso. I wish I could remember as much about mine as you did about yours, though.
    At least you can forget about your teen years! Teen years......

    What are Cid's skills? Wait, I think I forgot about the date Cloud was supposed to do O.O
    Volume 3's release date is confirmed. October 24.

    What disc is it in? Damn, my brothere took over the PC where my FF7 file is installed. I think I have to continue tomorrow. I'm at Nibelheim.
    I definitely need to. I'm glad to see they're continuing despite Monty Oum's passing. The series is damn good.

    Weird, I coudl've sworn it was censored. Either way, that's it. The moment I fell in love with Cid as a character.
    I'm rooting for both. You should finish RWBY when volume 3 comes.

    How many episodes did you watch? Yeah, I heard. It's a difficult choice. Yang has an awesome semblance, but Tifa defeated a god-like person.

    I liked him in the KH series.
    Me and my friends are doing a RWBY RP, a bit inactive.

    Cid said that? Can't wait for that dude.
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