It's more like when Walt was talking about making it, he was very much against a story there, since they could never get it to with one. so eventually the story was basically "this is a place for the ghosts that lost their homes" with the bride in the attic being the only remnant of the plans for a story. This bride got turned into Constance recently, and her canon is restricted to the attic.
With Phantom Manor, there is a canon, but what it is so vague it could really be without one. PM canon is this phantom killing a man, then chasing this bride who ages, then dies pointing the way out. The phantom tries to catch us but fails. Who anyone is, though, is up to question.
Some rides work great with a story, some rides don't. PM/HM is one that doesn't. Particularly if it has nothing to back it up.
Choc's a reimagineer though so she sees things a bit differently then I do.