Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
The part where Lucrecia asks Vincent about her son, Sephiroth
Tifa's fathers death
ugh i can go on for days lol
ooo sorry for assuming then :]
i seem to attract alot of grumpy ass people on here so ya.
really? me too! people tend to think its overrated but i have yet to play anything better. that game made me such an emotional wreck. i cried through a bit of it.lol
man, im just a magnet for hostility.lol
anywho, ya i play games and imma big Final fantasy fan.
I just got XIII last friday!
AMAZING graphics and so far, a pretty good story line.
which FF is your favorite?
just browsin through profiles, found you, added you.lol
Okay, I have a character in mind. His name is Lexi. He has somewhat of Axel's and a bit of Roxas' appearances, but he is slightly shorter, younger, and thinner than Roxas.