Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Nothing much. I fucking killed my stomach from my gargantuan and delicious Thanksgiving meal, and I see you are now posting in the Freestyle thread. Plan to become a regular like me, Dark Prince, and The Citrus Cult?
i dont think thats it, i think it might be the numbers in the other guys name. the other member that it takes me to instead of *Rikku* has numbers to.
View Profile: mushu123123 - KHInsider Forums
this is where i go when i try to view our convo page.
eh dont matter now dudes up and vanished, come to think of it everyone has.
lol i have already over the member *Rikku*'s page but they dont know what causes it so i have to stick to pm's so i can keep track of our convo's, not a problem here since you only have mine so far xD
>.> i dont, showed the mans nature all he had to do was say it to my face not do what he did.