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  • Same with me. I couldn't do Black City or any of those other things either and it frustrated me.

    Yeah, it was a bit off. I liked the pan out of the bridge as the character moved further along it, but that sudden jump to the side was just strange...
    The soccer one was actually quite easy for me. I focused on mainly using one Pokemon at a time to score goals, using the other two to block my goal and repel soccer balls. I typically find it easier to keep track and control that way.

    As for me, my banes are some of those damn time-test medals. Pain in the ass, is what they are...

    Yeah, Black & White really over-forced the whole Wi-Fi crap. I hope B&W2 is less Wi-Fi intrusive... Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of what B&W was aiming for, it was just way overdone.
    Yes! Pokeathlon was implemented perfectly:

    It was unique. It was fun. It was challenging. It depended on your and your Pokemon's skills. It was long-term content that constantly brought people (or at least, me) back for the little items you could buy every day with points. And it was necessary to completely complete the game and get all the starts on the Trainer Card.

    Pokemon Musical was just a joke...
    Yeah, nice to know they didn't create an essentially worthless piece of content with the Pokemon Musical...
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