Eh, you just have to get creative with its usage, take me for example. When i'm home, i use it excessively, to the point where I rarely use my hands. A lot of materials i need to write or research are conveniently on the floor near my desk, so they're always in arms reach.
It's okay to be undecided for now, but try to narrow it down before college, otherwise your orientation will involve a lot of majors hounding you to join them. Since i knew what i wanted to do, it wasnt much of an issue, so give it some thought.
Eh, I'd love to live near mountains because of the chill factor, but right now i live near the water at sea level. I'm aware of the fact that government property forbids the collection of fossils, HOWEVER i can try to get a collectors license when i'm older, which would allow me to branch out. One of my primary destinations to go when i'm older is the peace river in florida. Normally, you're only allowed to collect the shark teeth there (there is so many of them, so they're fair game) but with a permit, i can collect mastodon, tapir, camel, whale, and other fossils of larger creatures.