Her long blonde hair glowed with heavenly light as it swayed about gently in the soft breeze. The golden locks framed her pure, smooth skin, and called attention to her eyes, as blue as the deep oceans themselves.
Same description, but every part is longer and they relate to one another. Instead of making the description to be "fact a, fact b, fact c", you need to weave them together to make a picture. A picture - which is what you're trying to paint in words when it comes to descriptions, isn't made of parts. It's a whole in which everything intermingles.
Same description, but every part is longer and they relate to one another. Instead of making the description to be "fact a, fact b, fact c", you need to weave them together to make a picture. A picture - which is what you're trying to paint in words when it comes to descriptions, isn't made of parts. It's a whole in which everything intermingles.