Yeppers! Because of Vic Mignogna lol.
Well, the RPG is different, still not done though. I've been making signatures, I'm making a set for a friend atm. I've got a YouTube account and have been writing more poems(2 of the 3 videos I've put have been poem vids), I've read Twilight, working on Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan, I'm taking PAWS, a Junior test, another irl friend of mine joined my site today, I've got a new admin(my other co admin gave his position to an irl friend of mine without asking me), I found that my taste in guys sucks hard(One that I really REALLY liked is in my title) I've got something to show you in a PM I'll send you in a bit. Stuff like that.
How about you?
I don't need money, my site is free. And it has 54 members as of today, which is pretty cool imo. Even though it's getting close to a year old, it's still better than I thought.
*Huggles Max*(God that sounds weird lol, one of my friends irl is named Max)