• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • Its called My Japanese Coach. Havn't learnt much.. but I have only had it for three days so yeah. xD

    Wheres the fridge monster? >_> I WILL KILLZ ITZ!!
    ^_^, wow cool, well, for me, not much, i have no time for playing some games, very busy with summer in the philippines, and a girl ^_^, i frequently check out KHinsider now..

    Well.. actually.. I loved the cash. :D I got Final Fantasy Crystal Cronicles today and on monday I will be getting TWEWY and a game for DS that teaches Japanese. I could buy them cause EBGames is having a two for fifty deal so I got FFCC and my brother got Drawn to Life. I only spent 25 bucks on it but it was pre owned so all of the old owners game saves are still on it. -__- Horrible. But I am really exited. Hopefully I will speak at least a little Japanese by the end of the year. The game teaches to read and write, so if I get really good mabey I could translate the new scans for games from SE for myself. ;D

    I am also going to buy another KH Playarts Figure with some of the money left; And then I will have an extra twenty dollars so yeah, the day after my birthday rocked. xD Oh, mum also got a new fridge. Its really big.. sort of intimidating.. >_>
    Yes I have. I found out about it on Aaron Dismuke's fanclub forum. We're afraid that he won't be able to voice Al in an English dub if there is one since his voice has changed so much.

    I've got two up, neither of them have Twilight in them. Ok, I take that back, my taste in guys who want me back sucks. Better?

    I wouldn't mind reading your poems myself. The last time I went out was for a funeral last week. I'm not out very much. And YAY!!*Tackle huggles*

    Yeah, I understand that, but I have a free forum that I love. And I'm quite proud of it. I think there are like 3 or 4 FMA skins now. One I made for the KKAA, but I still use it.

    Lol. *Kisses on the cheek*
    Yeppers! Because of Vic Mignogna lol.

    Well, the RPG is different, still not done though. I've been making signatures, I'm making a set for a friend atm. I've got a YouTube account and have been writing more poems(2 of the 3 videos I've put have been poem vids), I've read Twilight, working on Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan, I'm taking PAWS, a Junior test, another irl friend of mine joined my site today, I've got a new admin(my other co admin gave his position to an irl friend of mine without asking me), I found that my taste in guys sucks hard(One that I really REALLY liked is in my title) I've got something to show you in a PM I'll send you in a bit. Stuff like that.

    How about you?

    I don't need money, my site is free. And it has 54 members as of today, which is pretty cool imo. Even though it's getting close to a year old, it's still better than I thought.

    *Huggles Max*(God that sounds weird lol, one of my friends irl is named Max)
    Its tomorrow for me.

    But it is actually two days untill Kevin Rudd gives out the big cash payouts so that is when I will get my money... and cake.. and anything else.. :(
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