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  • Well i guess i need to advance in the rpg..ya wanna help me just see if i do okay against the stealth snake :D
    No. This was my first time even being in so much as the Ruby Hall.

    But Cerulean Melodies are possible to encounter in the Sunken Steps. It's hard to make stats to match the magickal power of the Ceruls while still physically attacking them.

    I hate to bother you like this, but I'm carrying a full 50 Munny right into CoW with me. I lose a battle, more than probably 1/5 of it's going down the drain.
    King, try and meet me in the Musty Hall. I'll need to transfer some munny to you in case I lose to Crayon.

    It's no fun running into Ceruls, either.
    Bah, screw it. I'm not gonna waste days of good time trying to get to Level 6. Can't stand being alone that long.

    I'm off to get beat the color out of Crayon.

    ( As for the Heartless count right now, it's 8. )
    I'm at the Center Chamber in CoW. I'm getting a little tired of having to fight Ceruls just to go up a level. >_>

    -is very anxious to fight Crayon, but not Eraser-
    Sorry, posting on my page soon became a habit, lolz.

    I'm not used to zooming from page to page as far as profiles go.

    -deletes close to all of the posts on his page- Out with the old, in with the new.

    ( Dang it. If I ever find who made the "Soft" Delete option... )
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