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  • Oh and I forgot to mention. I've been trying to lose weight recently b/c of a major scare by the doctor (NO, I don't want to be on a CPAP! Oxygen tanks are big and bulky and I don't want one around. Don't have room!) and major succeeding.

    Started a month or two before Thanksgiving, I'm now 78 lbs down (35.38 kg if you're EU) and OFF my high blood pressure meds! Guess what caused the high blood pressure? Oh yeah. Not any snoring, tho I am aware I still snore! That doctor has a major hobby, lol. I guess I showed them..

    Anyway got about 39 lbs (17.69 kg) left to go until I reach my goal weight. I'm still gonna be a little overweight but not so bad anymore; might go back to working on it once I can actually go to a gym and not have the outdoors be my gym. ^^
    Well, I guess this is the first profile message since the update. I thought I'd put up some news.

    Since I subscribed on the Square Enix Twitch channel, I usually know when they broadcast, and I always go for the KHUX broadcasts. This time there was a raffle. I won! Not the top prize by any means, but some swag. First KH swag I've ever gotten (since as I think most know, I keep my fandoms on teh down-low out of habit)

    It's a bag, a poster and some postcards. Might use that to decorate my room, nice. ^^
    A lot of people seem to be really fond of the Toy Box, which I can understand since it is probably one of the most unique worlds in the game, and one of the most vertical too. I think what fascinates me about that world most is how unique all the different rooms and floors of Galaxy toys feel. It has this casual, almost nistolgic aura to it that makes it feel like when you were a kid, and you'd run through a massive toy store with curiosity and excitement. I remember my imagination would always go crazy when I went to one.

    Yeah, the emblems do seem to be pretty subtly hidden, but they're a welcome edition for me, and give the world's another layer of value. Which world are you on now? Was there any part of the original story that you liked thus far?
    So I guess you could say it was... "eating up" your time? Lol, I'm glad you've been enjoying it!

    Are there any particularly noteworthy things that stood out to you so far?
    Hello there. Nice weather we're having huh?

    Ok but seriously, hey! How's life been for ya recently? I mean, I imagine things are pretty ok with KH3 finnally out and all. Lol, I still haven't gotten to play just yet, but I'm looking forward to finally experiencing it for myself. What about you?
    Hey! Sorry! I JUST got this! I'm doing great! Yeah life's okay! I can't believe the game's coming out TOMORROW! How about you? You super excited?
    Hey! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I went into this rather depressing slump over the course of winter break (I really lacked motivation to do much of anything), so I didn't feel like having my normal conversations with people. I responded to the main threads primarily to distract me from reality, so I ended up frequenting them quite a bit. I'm really sorry I left you hanging again. On the subject of your fic though, go ahead and finish it! I've read wonderful fanfics in the past (some with very rich lore and emotional character growth), and those who have long running fics always say how amazing and motivating it is too have a full narrative of thier own creation they can look back on! As someone who struggles with motivation on a day to day basis, I can say it's definitely a worthy reward that doesn't really have too many downsides. If your planning on going into some kind of storytelling, fanfics are an exellent way to test the ground works of your abilities and improve upon your flaws. It can also be a great catharsis for some who've gone through a lot of hardships in their lives, and can be a great way to share personal stories through the eyes of our favorite characters.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is, be proud of what you've created, and write it for you. Give yourself something you can truly be proud of, and let those who are interested get a glimpse of your own creative storytelling!
    Ah, I finally get it! I always find myself getting so impressed by how complex and meticulous things like this can be. So many people just don't appreciate the amount of depth seemingly simple things like crotcheting/knitting can have. For me, anything with layers and substance has always been fascinating, regardless of what it is. In fact, that very idea is a passion for me in and of itself (though I'm multipassionate in general). Which leads me to ask, is this a passion for you? Or is it more along the lines of hobby? If it's the former, how did you discover it? Are there any more activities your passionate about/ interested in? I'd love to here more! ^^

    No problem. :) Augh, keeping surprises is always a pain! Bummer, I've seen quite a few mishaps like what happened with your sister; I hope it didn't spoil your work too much though. :( Got any ideas on how you wanna design your little brothers mittens? Also, isn't there a comfy, private place you can work? If they live with you, I can understand how tricky it is having to dodge around their schedules.
    Oooh, ok. I was about to ask another series of questions, but I think I understand what you mean. It's sort of like making a new tool, or building blocks that can help build your project, but like any tool, you have to test it to make sure it works properly, otherwise, it may lead to unforseen issues down the line. And depending on how complicated that tool is to use, is a big factor in how long that peice will take to complete. Am I close?

    True, no world shown as of yet has really been out of left field. Well, I guess technically Monstropolis was sort of out of left feild, but it was spoiled *months* before it's reveal (which is when most people were shocked). Princess and the Frog, as a world, though very possible, I don't necessarily think is likely. Hmmm... if Tiana does appear, it might be in a similar fashion as the PoH from KH1, where they only appear under unnatural/endgame circumstances.

    P.S. Congratulations on finishing your Squirtle! ^^
    I'll miss you too <3 I'm glad I did those FF drawings for you back then, and that we had many nice chats here~
    Sure, we already have each other as contacts on psn. You can also find me on my main tumblr here, or on my deviantArt
    Hello~ late reply is late, but in fact I don't log in to KHI anymore. I'll leave this place, logged in now to change my sig and leave some messages I guess.
    No holiday season for me since I celebrate according to the old calendar. But the rest of things are going nicely~
    I hope you're doing alright and I'm sending you hugs <3 take care and goodbye
    I see. How hard (and how long on average) is it to create a new pattern from scratch? I imagine there must be some kind of method of forseeing the final outcome, but some of them just look so complicated.

    I'm curious about the rest of the song too. Don't know if I'd wanna hear it before I see the full opening (mainly just cause I want it to be special, ya know?), but I don't think I'd mind too much anyway. That said, I still can't believe it's so close. We've got *one* trailer left! What do you think they're gonna show? I think it's a little too late to reveal any kind of new worlds, but I won't dismiss it entirely (especially since we don't have many candidates for the new PoH crew).
    Lol, that's a good point, some gaming companies are relentless. So it's more a matter of respect than legal issues? That actually really sweet of you! ^^

    So what are your thoughts on the new trailer? Any interesting takes? I personally loved it, but I'm going to reserve my final thoughts for the full thing.
    Advice noted. 📝 Wish I had a bit more info from him to work with, but that's primarily my fault for not properly keeping in touch (he lives down in SC). In anycase, I'll just do what I can for now.

    Btw, I looked at your knitting/crocheting thread. Really impressive stuff! I'm sorry you couldn't maintain that online store, but I understand if it's for legal reasons. On the subject, and if you don't mind my asking, how exactly do the patterns you use interfere with your ability to sell any of your creations? I ended up getting pretty confused when I read that, lol.
    That's so sweet! I used to love crocheting when I was little, but I couldn't go very far with it since I never got any good teachers. I'm sure your family will be super greatful for your hard work! ^^ It's a rare treat now adays to see someone pouring so much time and care into their gifts. In fact, I think I'll do the same! My little brothers was recently and I didn't have time send him a proper gift, so I think I'll send him a nice B-day song. Singing is one of the only things I honestly feel I'm good at, so hopefully he'll understand the thought put behind it.
    Hey! So yeah, I forgot messaging on this forum was a thing, lol. Sorry it took me so long to see your message; my summer got really hectic about mid way through and hasn't gotten much better. Mostly just about finding career experience, getting a job, making a good path toward a successful future, etc. Still playing this game btw... Anywaaay, how have things been on your end recently?
    That's wonderful progress of things! I wish you good health, I hope the situation will only get better and better in time for you ^^
    Ah, I apologize for not replying. I always suck at replying at visitor messages it seems (;´ ^ `) ...
    These two weeks were really ... um, fast and furious xD but slowly the uni schedule seems to stabilize, so no more surprises and unnecessary running aroun... soon... I hope T ^ T these starting weeks are the worst all the time
    how about you?
    Hey there~

    I'm alright, still have a few days of vacation and then I'll return to uni and all the research and work that I need to tackle. I honestly can't wait to get back to my working rhythm, also because now it'll be like a new life for me, without that emotionally draining art uni >:'D
    This aside, I kinda want to get active on the forums again, but the atmosphere is rather aggressive and so far the welcome isn't what I'd call friendly..
    Anyway, how are you? Is your "Last reply wins" thread still alive btw? xD
    I'm really happy for you, I know from some of my friends that stress-eating can cause a lot of trouble. I think I have the opposite, when I'm stressed I tend to not eat at all - that's the other side of the same problem :<
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