That's pretty cool about the fortification and the history behind it. Why apologise for not taking pictures? It's probably to remember with your own eyes rather than just one image. So if you do ever go back you can notice the differences and the similarities from past to future with your own eyes. The guide sounded like he/she didn't care much for it all.
Always a plus to avoid school work. It's because they want to punish you for going to school and also apparently so you can remember what you learnt in school. Book reports about movies, poems and plays was something I refused to do. I didn't do any and no detention or punishment work came my way ever. It's not that hard to see you disdain and dislike for book reports, silly.
Always a plus to avoid school work. It's because they want to punish you for going to school and also apparently so you can remember what you learnt in school. Book reports about movies, poems and plays was something I refused to do. I didn't do any and no detention or punishment work came my way ever. It's not that hard to see you disdain and dislike for book reports, silly.