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  • Cant Wait....

    *wink*:wink: Okay, Even though some people are doing this.

    Im going to laugh if they add wifi to days in NA.
    Yep ive been a fan of megaman since I was young.

    I didnt think about it until you said /2 could mean 2 different path (scenarios)
    I had this laying around for awhile now...
    lol i kept on editing it xD you should read mine i spoke french and i got a boo boo

    oh..... the laughs (sigh)
    anyways me 2 i cant freaking wait to get it !
    do you know when the game in japan preorders for people there like what day it comes to them so i can look at videos on youtube of it and lol whats that thread about? youre banned everyone is saying youre banned banned banned BANNED!!!

    dont make meh angry
    yeah you're right everyone will finish the game in less than a week and eventually be over it ready for bbs not me!, ima be beasting on there trying to get most things than get bored of it and look at bbs or days videos i cant wait so i can watch videos on days on youtube =D do you know when it preorders in japan so i know when to check for it?
    It shouldn't be that hard. Just look at the way everyone else on the forums type, and learn from that.
    It doesn't sound obnoxious, it looks obnoxious. Besides, as a Cuban your native language is Spanish, yes? That should mean that you can at least use proper sentence spacing.
    I just answered that in the thread. But seriously, work on your grammar. Sentences are separated by a period and a space, not a comma with no space. It's quite obnoxious.
    Not exactly cards, but Noruma did say that the gameplay is similar to CoM. Not exactly sure how tho. sorry, not much help..
    You uh...you really like the joker don't you? :D
    k i havent double posted in a few days lol
    i noticed i kept on forgettin too
    and ty on the comment of my drawing
    Thanks man, I'll do something less idiotic next time. :p
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