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  • I would assume as much. They probably kept posting things like "why won't you accept my request" on threads, it was spam and mod was probably watching them ignore everyone else. Good ridance. I can't believe I actually accepted the request.
    it sounds like you copied my comment except for the last part seriously o.o wow
    anyways yep ima get kh II but my friend is gonna let me borrow kh I lol
    i dont think ima get re:com cus i already played gba version ill wait till its cheap though
    anyways yep dude umm i read an article that nomura said there was gonna be a surprise in the game but no rever/rebirth though that mightbe an unconception of nonbelievers anyways dude i thought there was a heart guide or something like that, that comfirmed riku playable but then there was a thread clearing it up?
    anyways our story's sound similar so why do you like kh?
    DID YOU PLAY DEVIL MAY CRY 4?! If you haven't get an Xbox. Holy crap.

    Seeing how I don't actually own a Wii, I don't see how that's going to happen. :p I played a friends copy of Brawl.
    E3 is the Electronic Entertainment Expo. It's were all the developers come and display their games and such.

    I love Golden Sun so much. They do need to make a third one. I need more Alex.

    Brawl is sweet I love playing as Ganondorf and Wolf.

    I only played the first Prince of Persia and I loved it.
    TP is an awesome game you're going to be addicted. So much gaming... KH, E3 next month, and now Zelda. Wow.
    Discuss it in the Zelda thread. If I deem it flaming, I'll delete the posts.
    ... how is it flaming? If it was flaming, I would've deleted the posts.
    yep im not i havent joined heartstations forums i just check for updates
    but i like talking on the forums here
    people in heartstation are too optimistic lol
    and the translators person has the user of olivia sound familiar at all?
    dude i bet khi will be beasting any other site on bbs =D
    if coded is already out in jp why arent there any vids or actual news?
    are you gonna wait for the release? in us or did u preorder days?
    dude another thing why does dmg in days suck so much ik it might be lvl wise but it barely deals the dmg that kk did in CoM lol in castle oblivion -_-
    anyways whats u up to?
    oh dude dude dude!! my dad isnt working tommorow so i might get my ps2 my mom said theyll take me anywhere
    and one more thing for you to know about me im mexican so my parents dont rlly like me playing video games at all i could paly marion for 5 seconds and im crazy all of a sudden lol
    dude im about to explode with like awesomeness from kh xD
    dude btw why is khinsider so slow on the news?
    heartstation is awesome they get news like a 2 weeks be4 here lol
    yep this got me hoping lol
    cant wait xD omg dude would it be awesome to play as duel wielding roxas and maybe even riku o_O this would be the most epic game ever dude
    i feel like exploding im not even serious
    its like an overload
    If you're going to post in a thread, actually add something to the conversation at hand. Posts like that do not belong there; just a waste of data.
    Well how do you know he cares so much about rep? Secondly, that FAQ, it was written a while back and hasn't been updated. Us mods don't really care for double posting.
    And I seriously hope you are having a good time on the forums. Who said I'm trying to piss you off?
    Mmm no... saturday afternoon, eating lunch, browsing the forums.... what about you?
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