Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Nice extra paragraphs in that PM, man. ^^ Go right ahead and and send off the rest whenever you can, I'll see about editing once I've had time to read it all through. ^_^
I may have moved up in my life, but hey, that won't stop this guy. Alright then, if you insist. Though I would recommend reading the new one first, the old one well... hate to be harsh on me, but it's kinda all over the place within the first chapters.
Eh well if you want to use the old Alt, then go right ahead. The new one, which was the current protagonist of my new title, is gonna take a looong time before he's fleshed out. I started remaking him from scratch.
*Ahem* well aside from the norm, and being a family man. Not much to say the least. Story? Which one? The old or the new one? I got the old one on hiatus and focused more on Astonished / Amazed aka the new one.
That much said, I haven't used Alt for a long time. Too busy remaking his character to a proper one. Which was the purpose of my new title.