Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
lol Well since that last message of mine I've been able to work a little on it now. Think I've nearly got an ending part done so I should have it ready to pm you in a day or so. ^-^
True on that, and I've got my next post for it done. I just need to find out from Dream if Michael's part is okay, or not. Although I'll probably send you Siam's segment now, and if Dream clears it, I'll send you Michael's piece. *I asked her if I could use Michael to get the stuff at the house going*
XD Thank you for the assist friend. I'll try to get chapter one up soon, I've got it done but I want to let it sit for a bit before I share it with the world.
I'll also see about working on the response for Kingdom Spirits. Maybe even take control of Largo or someone briefly so we can get the mess at the house going.
Thanks for you input with War of the Fey, I agree that the Seelie court needs a bit of detail. I might edit that in before I do the final version. I'm trying to get this story written and polished so I can get it published one day. Do you mind helping me out by critiquing it and giving me ongoing feedback? Next chapter you get something from the Seelie court, I promise.
Also, a little for fun story, here's one that's a crossover fanfic I'm working on: The Reckoning: Crossover Story
It's a quest I've not had the chance to even start on. lol Things have been so busy that any sense of creativity to write something for the ending part doesn't exist. How goes everything with you though? Nice silver by the way. ^^
That's okay man, it's just a lot of unnecessary anxiety I always have that's getting to me, it'll be okay eventually. Thank's for offering, though. ^-^ lol Alright, I'll see what I can do about an ending for the chapter when I get a chance, anything I should know what not to do for any of the characters?
Pretty tired too and stressed out about a lot of things that I'm trying to get through right now. Besides that I'm good. ^^ And sure I'll go ahead and give a try at finishing the chapter if you want. I'll see what I can do. If at any time you suddenly feel like you're able, and you want to, finish the chapter instead, just let me know before you write anything. ^-^
My bad! I'm sorry for ignoring you! It wasn't intentional. And yes, I get busy, but that's not always the reason why. Sometimes it's games. Sometimes it's webtoons or podcasts. xD *hugs you* I'm really sorry! How are you? How's life going? Feel free to send me a PM about it too, if you want. :3 *tugs stick forward and throws* Go fetch!
*catches oranges in a box* You know, these would make a great orange Julius to drink!
You've not done a terrible job with Sleif, so don't worry about it. ^^ When I was going through I do think I made little changes here and there to some wording or reaction, but nothing major coming up that needed a complete rewriting was ever needed I think. But the same is said for you man, if you see anything in the new edit and don't think it's something Taces would say, feel free to let me know and we can work out a fix. ^_^