Yuni Aug 1, 2010 Hiya I'm Yuni another pokemon freak I was wondering if you had AIM/MSN and can chat pokemon?
S S Shinra Jul 30, 2010 kay... I'll ask you later because I'm on the wait for my second tag and I really wanna hold those for awhile
kay... I'll ask you later because I'm on the wait for my second tag and I really wanna hold those for awhile
S S Shinra Jul 30, 2010 I would really like it if you did one of Demyx for me but alas... my signature's going to be filled soon...
I would really like it if you did one of Demyx for me but alas... my signature's going to be filled soon...
Narukami Jul 11, 2010 your signature is a pure win. if i was a tiny bit mean, i would steal it. (The Aqua thing)
Beastly May 18, 2010 haha it sure does well the tournament probably wont start till early-mid june so u still have some time to prepare a team
haha it sure does well the tournament probably wont start till early-mid june so u still have some time to prepare a team
Beastly May 18, 2010 cool and btw would u be interested in a UU pokemon tournament that im setting up?
Beastly May 17, 2010 would it be alright with you if we do the trade over the weekend? (sorry i cant play my ds on weekdays haha)
would it be alright with you if we do the trade over the weekend? (sorry i cant play my ds on weekdays haha)
Ehres May 16, 2010 heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy keyyyyy <3 you said you wanted to give legit mew w/ masterball to the winner? beastly just won
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy keyyyyy <3 you said you wanted to give legit mew w/ masterball to the winner? beastly just won
Raiton Kensei May 14, 2010 my wifi is working now so if you still wanna trade the mudkip egg anytime is goo for me this weekend.
my wifi is working now so if you still wanna trade the mudkip egg anytime is goo for me this weekend.