Taochan Sep 25, 2013 http://forums.khinsider.com/forum-insanity/180627-things-mods-good-doing.html#post6075615 I really appreciate you saying this. <333
http://forums.khinsider.com/forum-insanity/180627-things-mods-good-doing.html#post6075615 I really appreciate you saying this. <333
Xblade13 Sep 20, 2013 Maybe with practice you'll get better? :3 You could always find a buddy who is good at drawing to help.
Maybe with practice you'll get better? :3 You could always find a buddy who is good at drawing to help.
Xblade13 Sep 20, 2013 XD Yaoi huh? That's not really my thing, but to each their own. :3 I'm writing a fantasy novel. ^^
Xblade13 Sep 20, 2013 Cool! I need a job, so many things I need to get. D: A laptop would so help me with my writing.
Xblade13 Sep 20, 2013 Sure thing! It's nice to meet you.:3 I go by Blade on here. Are you new to the forums? ^^
Xblade13 Sep 20, 2013 Hi there! I'm a pal of gram's, saw you post a few times. So I decided to say hello!
G G Gram Aug 9, 2013 Thread replies? You mean all the threads I've posted in today? xD Your no stalker.