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  • just watched the "Destiny" scene a couple times and I have an idea. Alright so with this Braig vs Xigbar bullshit, for the sake of this thought I'm gonna say he's Xigbar. Not in the sense that he is still a Nobody, but for another reason. Near the end of the scene when he asks "which poor soul shall it be?" YX starts to say S, obviously as in Saix. Now they should obviously be Braig and Isa, and they honestly are BUT aside from Xemnas, they were the only 2 in the Organization that were norted. So what if because they were the only ones norted, they kept their nobody names because of the X in it that relates to Xehanort and the whole thing with the New Organization?

    I think this sounds extremely reasonable, likely, and makes a lot of sense when you think about it. So realistically they are Braig and Isa, but because they are a part of the new Org, they will continue to go by their nobody names.

    Thoughts? Have you seen this brought up anywhere? If so, I have not
    I still don't see the same face models with them, I obviously see it with Sora and Vanitas, and Roxas and Ven, but when I look at trying to cross between any of them I just don't see it, the SAME face model
    So what if Roxas appeared in Twilight Town because of something with Ven? Twilight Town came out of NOWHERE, there was no previous connection or anything to it at all, and then Roxas is born there. I think it makes it, not more likely, but more plausible I guess, that because Roxas looks like Ven and not Sora, maybe with his stronger ties to Ven, with carrying his heart, that it could be some implication that Ven is from Twilight Town originally and that's why Roxas was born there. Not to go off of the whole "the old mansion was an orphanage that ven was from" that I read in a thread, but just that he's from that world in some respect. What do you think?
    That's what I've heard a few people say.
    No, not yet, but I'm only going to have enough money to afford either a ps3 or a ps4 in the next few years, and since III is going to be on the ps4, I want to play it as soon as it comes out. :)
    Yeah, it's been kinda going downhill lately imo, but I'll keep watching because I'm loyal like that, and hope for the day it makes an upturn. :p
    Still hoping for a ps4 port.
    Supernatural first, since it's the only show with a real arc, then probably just alternate criminal minds, ncis and korra depending on what I'm in the mood for.
    No, I don't know anyone with a ps3 around me... :(
    Yeah, it's gonna be somewhere around that...
    I still don't have a ps3... so no 2.5 (or 1.5) for me unless something weird happens.
    I'm behind the fall portion of each season for ncis, supernatural and criminal minds. I'll catch up... if only to clear out my dvr for the spring portion. XD I'm not trying to make it by Christmas, just by the time I go back to school.
    No, not unpaid, thankfully.
    That's lame.
    I'm doing well right now- how about you? I'm still working on catching up on my shows, which will take a while considering I have an entire half a season to get through for the three, and a full season of korra!
    Yes, I'm still working at the same pharmacy, but now I'm considered an intern instead of a technician since I'm in pharmacy school.
    Yes, I get off for Christmas and a few days after it, but I work Christmas Eve and before. Not many hours on Christmas Eve at least. The most hours I work next week are tomorrow's hours.
    Was there ever a given reason why when Roxas was born he appeared in Twilight Town? Whether it was similar to Traverse Town or just because it's in the realm between, or something else?
    Yeah, I save whatever page I'm on and return to it later. Surfing tumblr has become a hobby. xD
    I've seen some it. Just not all of the episodes. This was back, when I first started watching Bleach. Then I watched the Saving Rukia arc full on. Then most of the Boung arc until the end, cause I started watching the movies. And there's the Zanpakuto arc we saw on Toonami.
    Then be happy you didn't. Cause it makes no sense whatsoever.

    Did you know that the person who made "Summer Wars" is making a new movie that involves a bear?
    it still boggles my mind that people can't wrap their heads around that simple concept
    Hey I'm new to this forum, but I need some help with the U.S. english ps3 Kingdom Hearts 2.5 BBS. So I completed all the stories on critical, but without paying attention I saved over my ventus save data and now that I want to play the secret episode I only need that 12th report :( I was wondering if anyone could upload a save file for ventus for me so I can get the file and complete the final episode ?
    Oh shit so they actually did it. Korra & Asami confirmed for Lesbian? Good Job Mako both your exes are now Lesbians.
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