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  • You just have a ps3, right? I'm going to wait to get a ps4 just until the release date for KH III, whenever that's gonna be.
    i got a theory for you i thought about maybe the mysterious figure that is always leading you through the station of awakening was from kh1-kh2 Terra extending from Xemnas and afterward knowing that some else has taken over to lead sora anything further like coded was Roxas
    You know. it may just be me. but whenever Whitebeard looked at Luffy did he look nervous? or am i the only that saw that?
    Lol you're just the best that's all been talking to you since july stalking all your threads since november you're just overall awesome and love kingdom hearts :p
    True, like Natsuiro Kiseki it would've of been ruined if it was kinda longer since it was just about four girls having one last summer together with there friend before she moved away.

    So in that case it's a good thing i suppose that it's not that long.
    I like 12 episodes series sometimes. unless if they have REALLY lovable characters and than i want it to be loooonger
    You can't save the ones you've sent yourself, because you can't for whatever reason. I can't save what I send, so I just don't delete anything I send unless it's months old. The only option to saving what you send, you'll have to copy and paste onto a new message and send it to yourself. But I've been quoting you, so I don't know if it's fully necessary to save the stuff you wrote or not. :3

    Wasn't planning on it. xD
    ooh, I meant to take that quiz but forgot about it. If I get Xion, I'll be mad. B]

    Alright, what you need to do first is go to "Edit Folders" from there you'll see the "Custom Folders". You just have to write a name in the folder then hit "Save Changes". After that, select all of my messages and click open the "Select Messages" it'll already show the option "move to folder" and you just hit "Proceed" then "Move Items".

    I haven't been by the Korra thread, since two days now. I'll have to look into that. =d
    But hey, at least I'll have a lot of new anime under my belt XD and man am i thankful that most of them or short 26 or 12 episode series.
    i should really stop trying to find new Anime to watch XD My list is already to much XD
    Yeah I doubted it because parents never really ever played any role in this game unless it was disney related (though we may never see Max Goof probably for that reason)

    I'm looking and looking, and it is kind of pointed, but it's pointed in a different way than the typical Nort ear

    Xigbar's is pointed up and Xaldin's is pointed back more, and it still kind of looks more like a normal ear, not as elfish (i guess)
    Unless you've got a better picture/info than me then I'd love to see it.

    And with Ienzo I feel like Even kind of maybe brainwashed him. That's a kind of harsh term I guess but it gets the point across. Even was a pretty hardcore, "I'll do literally anything for the sake of science" kind of guy it seems so from my own personal standpoint it seems like once AtW was banished Even took Ienzo under his wing and he kinda rub off on him. But it seems like he didn't rub off too much cuz Ienzo seems like he'd be a pretty nice guy and willing to help, at least based off of DDD.
    That is true, I was just saying based on the obvious (eye color). But yeah, they could definitely be candidates. Vexen had the whole replica program and, like you said, Xemnas valued him to some extent. You could even say Xaldin was doing his own "experiments" on Beast, he had his own case study going on there. I could definitely see them being/staying on the bad side. They are also numbers 3 and 4.

    It doesn't seem like Aeleus or Ienzo would go bad again, and I hope they don't I really like them and REALLY want to see more of them.
    Kind of straying into a new topic, do you think the fact that Ienzo was an orphan or his parents will have any significance in the future? I feel like the probability is low but it's just a thought. I haven't seen any comments or theories on that yet by anyone. Or I'm just blatantly missing these things lol
    Hmm i may get 2.5 on New Years. or somewhere around there. Depending on how cheep it is.
    I'm watching a cutscene movie for KH 2.5 Remix Re:Coded and man Jimmy's voice is all kinds of messed up.
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