Okay, cool. That's fine with me and I'm assuming you'd need some ideas of them, right?
I kinda asked either Howler or Dark grey Heroine about it, but didn't hear back, so I know it's a hope to ask. XD
Anyway, these three characters are the equivalent of Naruto, Sasuke and Saruka from childhood to adulthood. There's Alex Pierce, the female equivalent of Naruto but the journey of Sasuke, so obviously the clothes should reflect that. One fact of Adult Alex is that she lost her left arm at the end of the Great War, so kinda important. Also, she has the family talent which is like the Shargian, but I call it Lion's Eye.
Michael Miles, as you can imagine, is quite the loner but gradually becomes open after certain events. He is also sealed with a Spirit, the Fox. One aspect I liked about him is that he didn't care about bonds until Alex during the Tamer Exams (Chuins Exams) and is willing to do everything to bring Alex home by the books (or not!).
Finally, there's Kiara. At first, she is the typical girly girl whose crush on Mike is sort of known between friends of her, but is willing to fight to protect for anyone needing help. Over time, she grows more of a powerful combatant with the medical knowledge proving her resourcefulness when her home got Tangled in the Great War. Her strength is the equivalent of knocking down mountains, so I'd imagine if anything happens to her family, better watch out for her punches as it can be lethal if she wanted it to be. Again, clothes and personality should reflect her as well.
Honestly there is tons of things to bring my world alive if I could draw.. T_T Anyway, there you go. :3