Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Hey, I read some of your writing it was pretty good. I'd like to be friends.
Hey check this Square Enix based forum www.enix-online.com/forums, We just started out, But it is an awesome friendly community, We have everything you need, RPG Inferno which willllll be awesome, comes out sometime july, We have an shoutbox, arcade, award system and much more We are a role playing, anime, gaming, and graphics site as well so please take 2 minutes out of your life and check it out.
...ok so i can make Dy-Fake Brol do anything... but real Brol i dunno... was he in that car u guys were talking about? or was he ignore? hahahah but i kinda need help.... i don't know how to jump back in..
i kinda made the Real Brol drive into the cop car near what happen in ur first post i believe X_X... i don't know what to do about him... as for Dygado and fake Brol..heh just wait!
I've made another Runner (although I think I may have miscounted). Also, I would like to suggest that you make a roster of players and their characters in your first post on the ooc.