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  • Lessee, Dawning Twilight has to pull out from the rp due to scheduling issues. So, feel free to put up the official thread since we have no others in the process of signing-up.
    It's okay, it is highly understandable. We in the RP will miss you dearly. Anyway, I envisioned that the messengers, or as you called them "Common Folk", they should be able to fly or at least having winged shoes and helmet like the Greek messenger god, Hermes.
    Oh!!! yea mybad i forgot all about it!!! it doesn't take long to make a temp!!! well not for me i will get on it right now!!!
    At the beginning of the year there was a beach party.
    People got hella drunk.
    Did things that they'd later regret.
    Zexion wanted Vexen to make a "forget" potion so he could have his dignity back.
    He dumped a whole bunch of potions into the water system at school, only to find that they were love potions.
    Everyone's now falling in love with everyone else.
    I'll take a look that's for sure but like I said about your KH one, I'm tied up right now so I won't be joining any new ones. But if I like it I will add it to my "keep track of this one it has potential" list lol.
    I got a new Rp out, if it's okay wit you, could you look at it and give me your opinion?

    It's called Ventura Academy: Battle for Dominance
    Okay I might as well tell you this. I'm a vet on this site and have a rep because of how twisted I am in rps. I'll let ya know that my templates are pretty bestly, but uh yeh I won't post the other one until you see the first one.
    I already looked at it, but you still didn't answer my questions. Do I know you, and why me?? Was I some random person you just picked out or what??

    I'll join, but only because I plan on annihilating everyone who is in the rp for fun.
    I'm pretty darn active and on each day I check up on them. OwO

    Why're you sad 'bout it?
    How many rp's are ya gonna make? OwO You haven't even started some of these, are ya gonna be able to keep up?
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