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  • Ugh this is frustrating, I don't think it's cuz of the messages
    try inviting me instead
    Sorryyyyy lol I had a really busy day
    Maybe tomorrow? Which is also later today lol
    DDD is a good game! I know a lot of people hate it cause it messed up everything we are familiar with but still a good game!
    For sure, I loved it :)
    Anyway, I gotta hit the hay. Thanks for playing with me, I'll talk to you later :p
    Oh it's huge
    Thats half the game right there lol
    I platinumed portal 2, so I've done them all before (except for the dlc ones) but it's been a long time so I don't remember most of it
    Yeah, omg you've never done it? We'll be busy for ages :p
    But it's been forever, and playing on the newer PS3, it'll be as if it's MY first time, too lol
    Oh yeah and about those tags, I don't remember the whole story but there was one tag there as a glitch or they just randomly put it there or something, but the players named it Steve or George or something, and they thought he looked lonely so a lot of players, when they got to that point in the game, would go sit with him for a minute or so. The game developers heard about this, and they released an update for the game that put in a second one right next to him so he wouldn't be lonely lmao
    Oh damn, that's always a pain.
    I've never played a SH game before. Which one is it?
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