;-; I know you probably won't want to discuss it on here, but I can try and get on Skype later if you need to talk about anything. I feel really bad that you're having to go through all that stuff, and I feel like a failure as a friend because there's not much I can do aside from being there to talk. :c
Ooh, you need to send me a track to listen to when it's finished. c: ...yes, I am prepared to let my ears bleed. ;~; So do you plan to get into music as a career?
I...i've been, uh...well, i'm working on getting into music. :x I decided last year, but i've basically been just attempting to learn sheet music (not getting very far lol). I don't expect to become a pro, but I really really love music, sooo...
Ooh and, Ty. Ty. TY. YOU NEED TO PLAY ZELDA SKYWARD SWORD. IT IS AWESOME. I know you said your mom always steals the Wii, but but but ;-;