I read the manga of D.N.Angel, yeah. I don't know which I prefer though. I guess the anime, just because it made everything seem so epic, haha. Especially the last few episodes, it was like, powerful. And vacationing, eh, so far so good, lol. No complaints so far

And Bleach...you'll understand what I mean later. Like, logic just disappears from the show entirely, ask anyone who has seen enough of it, I know I have. -.- And were you happy with that last fight in Kekkashi? I thought it was sooo lacking! Like, I was expecting some huge epic fight and that was just so not it! I did feel bad about Gen though, he was so cool :l And Toonami? Of course I have, that was my childhood!
I might try to follow it again. A lot of my buddies bother me about it haha.
How far into Durarara by the way? Because I just started xD AndI'm not too crazy about Shinra either, he seems...creepy? xD
And yeah, she does, you probably have heard of her. Maybe I'll try Ouran Host Club, would you recommend it? And Vampire Knight...tried it...just couldn't get into it xD
Oh, it doesn't matter to me, the whole gender thing xD You seem really cool to talk to, so that's all that matters