june Apr 12, 2010 the only language we need to learn is french and maybe german. but apart from that it'd be easy to handle, specially at spain <3
the only language we need to learn is french and maybe german. but apart from that it'd be easy to handle, specially at spain <3
Axel's girl1312 Apr 9, 2010 I do like to bug the crap out of threekeybladewileder though.it's fun when you get him pist off.
Axel's girl1312 Apr 3, 2010 I like Kairi! but if you don;t thats fine becaouse not a lot of people do.
june Apr 2, 2010 tell me :D I wanna know how the pranks are like on april fool day xD http://forums.khinsider.com/fanclubs/147293-june-s-fanclub.html
tell me :D I wanna know how the pranks are like on april fool day xD http://forums.khinsider.com/fanclubs/147293-june-s-fanclub.html
june Apr 2, 2010 this today I went here and I was like "WTF with all this D:!!, did someone hacked the forum D:?"
june Mar 31, 2010 *write on the wall JUNE* jejeje >3 *mom scream* D: he did it! *point my little brother*