C C Constellations Mar 16, 2009 been pretty busy, actually. between my job, school, and the school play I've been occupying myself a lot lol how about you? whats new?
been pretty busy, actually. between my job, school, and the school play I've been occupying myself a lot lol how about you? whats new?
C C Constellations Mar 14, 2009 I'm sorry to hear things haven't been going so well. I hope they turn out for the better real sooon^^
I'm sorry to hear things haven't been going so well. I hope they turn out for the better real sooon^^
C C Constellations Feb 25, 2009 aw I'm sorry to hear that.. I'm fine thanks heey someone's bdays coming up ^^ lol
C C Constellations Jan 20, 2009 sounds like fun ! lol thanks, and I'm happy to hear you're well too. whatever's bothering you, I hope it gets better soon ^^
sounds like fun ! lol thanks, and I'm happy to hear you're well too. whatever's bothering you, I hope it gets better soon ^^
Mynny Jan 20, 2009 awww, you poor thing I only took one midterm so far, but I think it went well, then I have two all this week and my last three are next week.
awww, you poor thing I only took one midterm so far, but I think it went well, then I have two all this week and my last three are next week.
C C Constellations Jan 18, 2009 oh wow lol that's good to hear. did you have fun? I've been well, a little stressed out cause I have a lot of work to get done lol
oh wow lol that's good to hear. did you have fun? I've been well, a little stressed out cause I have a lot of work to get done lol
Mynny Jan 16, 2009 I'm pretty good *midterm pprs fall on top of Kaos and crush her* nvm....>< *asd* lol And youuuuuuu??!?!?!?! ^.^
I'm pretty good *midterm pprs fall on top of Kaos and crush her* nvm....>< *asd* lol And youuuuuuu??!?!?!?! ^.^
Dark_Seraphim Jan 16, 2009 lol IM BACK YOU LITTLE PUNKS!!!! Im here to turn ALL of you into METAL HEAD BANGING FREAKING MACHINES!!!!!!! hehehhee evil me..... =D hows everyone been!?!??!
lol IM BACK YOU LITTLE PUNKS!!!! Im here to turn ALL of you into METAL HEAD BANGING FREAKING MACHINES!!!!!!! hehehhee evil me..... =D hows everyone been!?!??!