Of course not. Time waiting stinks. Meh take your time, soon we will be the best taggers once those guys get lives. But by that time, we may be gone x)
So, school started and, I am kind of conflicted x) I'm intending to be wholeheartedly focused on God, but then, you know, my feelings for a girl get in the way. Same girl I spoke of a few weeks ago, with the guy and what not. We have become way better friends since then, but I can't shake the nagging sensation to back off and let things play out.
In the meantime, I will bide what time I have this year, and prepare for Seminary. :/ I gotta get blood work done, to check my cholesterol and blood sugar. ACK. It's all becasue I didn't really eat well when I went to get a physical done last week and it was warm in the room and my stomach went completely empty and I broke out into a cold sweat and almost passed out. I actually fight, the passing out out shear will. The cold sweat and nausea happens on occasion so I have gotten good at fighting it, but it hit me so hard the doctor sort of freaked out and wants to get some blood work done. ugh.