• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • Hello, this is a mass-message to people who I've spotted in the Pokémon thread.

    I don't know if you're aware, but a Pokémon tournament is being organised and we need to get down the names of people who would be interested in this event and participating in it. A date for this has not yet been set, but it is thought that it will be held around a month after the European release of Heart Gold and Soul Silver; this does not mean you have to use these games for the tournament since Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold and Soul Silver are all inter-linkable on Wi-Fi. Rules have not yet been set, but if the response is big enough, an announcement thread will be made and rules will be set. If you are interested in participating, please respond.

    - Iridium
    Hey, did you know that we both love DGD and my irl name is also Chris, HOW WEIRD IS THAT!?
    Would you mind if I hijacked your thread for Happiness and turned it into a general DGD thread?
    I will love you forever if you could put Happiness or Downtown Battle Mountain on some form of filesharing site. I can't download any torrents or the like because lol no antivirus software on this damn thing.
    I love the intro as well; my only complaint is that my family is around so I can't blare this shit.
    Finally decided to check out DGD because I got bored. I love them simply because they have a song titled 'It's Safe to Say You Dig the Backseat'. See, shit like that is what you've got to tell me.
    So I've been listening to a lot of blessthefall, Escape the Fate, and Alexisonfire lately. I was thinking 'hey I want more bands that sound like this without having to wade through the shit; who do I ask?' and you immediately popped into my head.

    Any suggestions? Honestly, I'm still getting a little used to Alexisonfire, so anything that's in a similar vein to blessthefall or (old, clearly) Escape the Fate would be great.
    Holy shit Everyday Normal Crew is awesome. I don't think I have seen one of Jon Lajoie's videos and not laughed.
    Haha I started listening to him last year when a friend showed me.

    "Old people burning old people burning PUT YOUR HANDS UP old people burning old people burning THATS KINDA MESSED UP"

    I said variant for a reason, seeing as cool dog, courage wolf and the like originated from Advice Dog.... damn I want one now :c
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