Grace Falls Aug 24, 2009 LOLZ their powers are, idk i read it once and i didn't relaly get anyting outt of it. HAHAHA well we can do well i guess... i hope? lolz
LOLZ their powers are, idk i read it once and i didn't relaly get anyting outt of it. HAHAHA well we can do well i guess... i hope? lolz
Grace Falls Aug 23, 2009 Alright its cool, im out for the night so i might have to post until late tonight. Whwatevers, ill post firstt
Alright its cool, im out for the night so i might have to post until late tonight. Whwatevers, ill post firstt
Ðari Aug 23, 2009 Omg I just read that battle against Tavvy, that was butthert man...damn. Wanna take Gar next?
Hazen Gregory Aug 22, 2009 It was a reference. I am merely implying that being the antagonist really isn't my style, it just seems that way a lot of the time.
It was a reference. I am merely implying that being the antagonist really isn't my style, it just seems that way a lot of the time.
Hazen Gregory Aug 22, 2009 Different?? I don't really think that I have been the bad guy in most of my rps.
Hazen Gregory Aug 22, 2009 lol don't be lazy make the change and get valid. So you on your PSP or whatever?? Because like usual I'm on MSN
lol don't be lazy make the change and get valid. So you on your PSP or whatever?? Because like usual I'm on MSN
Hazen Gregory Aug 22, 2009 lol yeh like your powers are nuts I have to finish my shit up and all. Like why are you a chick but your powers say you are a man??
lol yeh like your powers are nuts I have to finish my shit up and all. Like why are you a chick but your powers say you are a man??
Grace Falls Aug 22, 2009 Lol, just thought of that from the top o my head mind if you create the battle thread?
Hazen Gregory Aug 21, 2009 [16:08] Ubi Flux: what the hell?? [16:08] Message was not sent because an unknown error occurred.
[16:08] Ubi Flux: what the hell?? [16:08] Message was not sent because an unknown error occurred.