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  • That's what happens with new writers. It's hard enough to get people to post here. I just don't want people getting into fights about critique. If they don't want harsh critique or indepth critique, it's probably best to leave them be and just give a couple pointers.
    Yeah, I hope they start releasing some teaser stuff soon!

    Also, I'm pretty tired now, so I'm gonna turn in. Night! :{D
    I would recommend stopping by often, if not for anything but the news. Latest update on season 2 is that Snails will be appearing again. Not too big, but I thought he was funny. Snips, on the other hand...

    And I sort of figured that :)
    Do you visit Equestria Daily often? It's like the KHI (sans forum) of MLP, I use it to get my fix in the form of small trickles of news :D

    And I don't really watch that show as faithfully, usually just whenever I'm channel surfing and it's on. I should probably should see if it's on YouTube or something...

    But sure, I'm listening!
    I know right?! At least it's not until next year, but still.

    Btw, thanks for listening to me rant about my school life lol
    Yeah, plus we have everyone talking about PSATs and honors classes and this early college program my school has. Idk, you're probably right, but still.
    Hey! Figured I'd add you since we've been ending up in the same threads quite often xD
    So you spied on me, and told two mods on me. Look can we move on please? I'm not saying I'm sorry, but can we get over this?
    Especially since I'm like one of the youngest in my class, alot of people are already driving and working, and I'm reeeeally not ready for all that
    I have no problem with you giving critique, the section needs it terribly.
    However, all I can ask of you is to try to be a little nicer. We have a lot of new writers and they're plenty nervous about posting up their stuff. Don't use insulting words and yaddah yaddah. D: Thank you.
    lol no
    and honestly, i don't see why you should even care what people think about you
    I guess so, but it's like a year away. Kinda nervous about starting driving and everyone talking about getting a job and all that.
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