Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I hope so, we could use your awesomeness around here <3 and it's not too far off either.
Haha no that's Admin status >;D I kid, yeah thanks though; regardless of the lateness. I'm just glad I can take care of members when needed. Got rid of a porn spam bot today <_< thought they never come around here. Boy was I wrong.
Indeed it has D: I remember our constant battle in post count lol.
That's understandable, plus you have the whole college thing to deal with.. or was it military? Damnit I'm getting you confused with Genocide xD and the spoiler section is working out just as planned so it's all good.
Oh I forgot you were into that; best of luck to you and as for me I have basically nothing planned atm. Might head to a party this weekend and I have to help a friend move out. Other then that another lame summer vacation at home.... Woo.