No, I know it's about my irl friends, but where did you see me reacting normally with them? xD Did you try to translate any convos? xD And the sass picture was the sassiest pokemon you'll ever meet >D
Now that's way too good <3 Aw, c'mon, you thought the charger would last forever? D: (I know the thought hadn't crossed my mind until mine broke, too, but >_>) mine broke because I was laying down on top of it xD*rolling around the bed, somehow it happened*
YEESSS, PLAY IIITT <3 Oh, and happy graduation!

*eager to see dressed-up Blu pictures*
What? OF COURSE it does D: Did you read the name under the description? It's the generation the caption's from >_> It does say that, some creepy flavor text, I know, but it does >_>
Well, I only sent you the 3rd game of each generation, since it's usually the most complete and the one you can catch all the legendaries. To be precise:
Generation 1: Red, Blue (Green in Japan btw) and Yellow
Generation 2: Gold, Silver and Crystal
Generation 3: Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald
Generation 4: Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
Generation 5, and that's when the 3rd game was ditched, making many a fan very mad *me included*: Black and White. AAAND a sequel! Black 2 and White 2.
Generation 6: X and Y. No sequel nor Pokemon Z mentioned yet, and it's usually a year after that the 3rd game's announced... but anyway.
The remake they're releasing right now is Gen 3's for 3DS, but they've already made remakes for Gen 1 at the GBA (FireRed and LeafGreen) and for Gen 2 at the DS (HeartGold and SoulSilver), I wonder if Gen 4's remake is next? <3 I loved that game <3
Btw, I played every game on that list save for Diamond, Gold and Y <33