Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Hello, I'm wondering about KEX and XEX there is obviously gonna be a reversed version just like the wonder twins I wanna know how likely is it for them to bring it back soon as a 5 pull mercy and if it's even worth me throwing away 18000 jewels at this current banner
Hello, I'm currently looking for a party that is very active regularly participates in raids and cross and I won't have to watch fall apart I have already been to 3 parties and it seems like most of them just won't be active and it's hard to start a new one or recruit bc everyone has an...
Hello, as the title states I'm recruiting for an active party.
We are currently rank 300 in Unicornis and still climbing this week.
We are recruiting at least 4 active players who gain a lot of Lux
and (3 slots for beginners) (3 for medium tier players) all are willing to my participate in...
Hello, as the title states I'm recruiting for an active party.
We are currently rank 300 in Unicornis and still climbing this week.
We are recruiting at least 4 active players who gain a lot of Lux
and (3 slots for beginners) (3 for medium tier players) all are willing to my participate in...
So this theory spawned from me trying to figure out what was in the box and I will be working out a theory for this In the next month or two I need to purchase 2.5 and replay it.
Going off what Nomura said an astute player would know what's in the black box Luxu is tasked with guarding. I have...
So, my buddy who isn't as heavily into KH wanted to sit down with me and figure out what makes sense for all the missing somebodies. With the addition of lauriam even though the debate is still ongoing I have found something that might tie everything together.
I think the reason Nomura made the...
Hi there everyone, I am a returning player who is willing to transfer unions to find a party. my current lux for the week is 173M
My main keyblade is three wishes lvl 28 and I am currently grinding. My current Union is unicornis, I have maxed out medals and the recent vip medals I'm In need of...
I'm currently starting a Leopardus party as I have just downloaded the game so the requirements are really simple
Be part of the Leopardus union
Be an active player
and Progress decently fast through the game
Hello as you know i'm Bankai8299, here and on chi.
I'm looking for an A rank Leopardus union team i'm not the noob i once was when I first sought out for a team
Lux Ranking 4261 with an earning of 2440457 Lux
Damage Ranking 3152 with damage of 11771528
If you would like a screenshot of my...
So looking back into interviews reviews youtube theories and lore I came across something about the secret boss in 1.5 a.k.a Xemnas being canon.
According to what i've heard and read Xion was created when Xemnas fought Sora during the SB fight in Hollow Bastion.
It is stated that during his...
Re: twilight town mansion mystery connection
Possibly or maybe Namine has a thing for unicorns since she resided there along with DIZ but if you screenshot maybe there would be further evidence like a mask of unicornus or something like that
I have a full sr+ high purity attack deck and am currently working on my assist, I have 2 high purity sr+ assists
I can earn 250000 lux a week i'm looking for a party that completes the level 180-210 raid boss missions. sorry for the image issues i took it with my ds because im at school and...
I'd just like them to fill in more of what's done in the shadows, a bit more information on kairi's role in kingdom hearts 3, and i'd kinda like them to sorta add like 30 minutes of cutscenes to try to make the game a bit longer maybe a extra boss battle against a mysterious figure for 1 of the...