wow! waah.. i use to draw as a kid..people said i was good, but then i sorta stopped. then i started getting into music[violin+piano] a lot. but lately iv been trying to get into like drawing stuff and all that [well mostly because of this guy but it's still fun!]. It's fun drawing.. lol and then I have to use an eraser a lot since I always mess up on stuff! hehe.
that's sorta what i did w/ the violin, i wanted to get really good, and now i have i suppose? im still waaay too far away from being really really good though ^^.
hi! im naho!
you come from osaka? lucky i wish i coulda been from like central japan. err im from way up north to hokkaido. =__= my grandpa/mother's side come from Iburi, Tomakomai :O And then I got some korean bloods and thai too
little spain i think. haha.
I really like your drawings! if you don't mind me asking, what kind of stuff did you practice when practicing drawing? haaa i really want to improve... >:"[
do you have a tablet? i think you should totally invest in one!!